働き成長できる機会を提供します。 Social Good Roasters Chiyoda is a Type B facility that supports people with disabilities to become independent in society through coffee work. Not everyone does the same “work,” but each person can work with confidence and pride. We have the work content and environment to become a place where each person can work with confidence and pride, and the staff to support them. Depending on your motivation and experience, we will gradually expand the scope of work you are entrusted with, and eventually you will be able to handle all tasks related to coffee production, service, and sales. In addition, you will acquire the ability to adapt to a variety of tasks so that you can choose the future that you want.
ハンドソーティングhand sorting
商品の製造Product manufacturing
接客Customer service
店舗清掃Store cleaning
EC業務EC Operations
バリスタや焙煎士などコーヒーの専門技術を持った指導員と、さまざまな福祉サービスに従事してきた経験豊富な支援員が在籍し、それぞれの視点から一人ひとりの成長をサポートします。ここで学びたい熱意と姿勢があれば、コーヒーの製造や接客の経験が無くても大丈夫です。 We have instructors with specialized coffee skills, such as baristas and roasters, as well as experienced support staff who have been engaged in various welfare services, to support each individual’s growth from their own perspective. If you have the enthusiasm and attitude to learn here, you don’t need to have any experience in coffee production or customer service.
本人主体の自立支援を原則とし、下記の3つの力を身につけながら、利用者が成長できるようサポートすることを支援方針としています。Our support policy is to support users to grow while acquiring the following three skills, based on the principle of person-centered support for independence.
自立的人間関係の構築Building self-reliant relationships
How to use our services
平日・土曜 10:00-17:00Social Good Roasters Chiyoda
Phone: 03-6811-0895
Weekdays and Saturdays 10:00-17:00

・都営新宿線/三田線/東京メトロ 半蔵門線「神保町駅」徒歩6分
・東京メトロ 丸ノ内線「淡路町駅」徒歩2分
・東京メトロ 千代田線「新御茶ノ水駅」徒歩2分
・JR/つくばエキスプレス/東京メトロ 日比谷線「秋葉原駅」徒歩12分 Six-minute walk from Jimbocho Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line, Mita Line, and Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line.
Toei Shinjuku Line: 2-minute walk from Ogawamachi Station
2-minute walk from Awajicho Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line.
2-minute walk from Shin-Ochanomizu Station on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line
12-minute walk from Akihabara Station on the JR/Tsukuba Express/Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line.