美味しさと安全性、そして社会貢献を追求したコーヒーをつくっています。Social Good Roasters is a brand born from a welfare facility.
Because our products were created in a place where people with and without disabilities can work equally, we place importance on the idea of “coffee for people. We make coffee that is delicious, safe, and contributes to society.
丁寧なコーヒーづくり。Careful coffee production that spares no human hands.
ソーシャルグッドロースターズのコーヒーは福祉施設で生産されています。大勢のスタッフが生産に携わっており、品質向上・維持のために、通常の何倍もの手間をかけています。仕上げとなる焙煎には最高峰の焙煎機を導入し、コーヒー豆の美味しさを最大限に引き出すと同時に、焙煎豆の安全性も確保しています。Social Good Roasters coffee is produced in welfare facilities. A large number of staff members are involved in the production, and many times more time and effort than usual is spent to improve and maintain the quality. For roasting, which is the finishing touch, we have installed the highest quality roasting machines to maximize the taste of the coffee beans and at the same time ensure the safety of the roasted beans.
良いことが循環する。From a cup of coffee, good things circulate.
私たちは非営利組織なので、利益を必要としていません。コーヒーの原料となる生豆は、すべて信頼できる生産者コミュニティーから購入し、フェアトレードの考えのもとで、生産者の生活向上に役立てることができるように、その利益は現地の学校や病院建設などの費用に充てられています。気持ちはあってもなかなかできない社会貢献に、一杯のコーヒーから気軽に参加することができます。We are a non-profit organization, so we don’t need to make a profit. All green coffee beans are purchased from trusted producer communities, and under the concept of fair trade, the profits are used to help improve the lives of the producers, such as building local schools and hospitals. From a single cup of coffee, you can easily participate in social contribution, which is something that is hard to do even if you feel like it.
焙煎機『GIESEN』Roasting machine GIESEN
コーヒーづくりで最も重要な焙煎機には、半熱風方式を採用した最新の熱制御技術と職人手作りの鋳鉄釜を搭載したオランダ製GIESENを導入。高い蓄熱力で豆の中心までしっかり熱を与えると同時に表面の焦げつきを防ぎ、安全性が高く、まろやかで美味しいコーヒーを焙煎できます。機関車に見える可愛らしいシルエットがみんなに愛され、焙煎所のシンボルとなっています。For the roasting machine, which is the most important part of coffee production, we have introduced the Dutch-made GIESEN, which is equipped with the latest heat control technology using a semi-hot air system and a cast iron pot handmade by craftsmen. It has a high heat storage capacity that provides heat to the center of the beans and at the same time prevents the surface from burning, making it possible to roast mellow and delicious coffee with a high level of safety. The cute silhouette that looks like a locomotive is loved by everyone and has become a symbol of the roasting plant.

美味しさを支えるカッピングCupping to support deliciousness
焼き上がりやブレンドの仕上がりのチェックを行う工程を“カッピング”と呼びます。“美味しい”は主観的な指標ですが、ソーシャルグッドロースターズでは、一人の職人の味覚だけに頼ることなく、複数名のスタッフで何度もコミュニケーションをとりながら調整を繰り返すことにより、多くの人に“美味しい”と感じてもらえるオリジナルのブレンドを作り上げています。Cupping is the process of checking the finish of a baked or blended product. Although “good taste” is a subjective indicator, Social Good Roasters does not rely solely on the taste of a single craftsman, but rather has multiple staff members who communicate with each other repeatedly to make adjustments. Social Good Roasters does not rely on the taste buds of a single craftsman, but rather has multiple staff members communicate and make adjustments over and over again to create an original blend that many people will find delicious.


安全で美味しい商品へのこだわりCommitment to safe and delicious products
ソーシャルグッドロースターズが一番大切にしていることは、安全で美味しい商品を届ける事です。だからこそ、ハンドソーティングの工程には徹底してこだわっています。割れている豆やカビ豆を人の手で、何時間もかけて、ひとつひとつ丁寧に取り除くことで、安全性と美味しさに自信を持ったコーヒーをお届けすることができます。手間暇を惜しまないこの工程は、大勢のスタッフが携わる福祉施設で生産するからこそ実現できるこだわりです。人の手による努力が、私たちのコーヒーの美味しさを支えています。The most important thing for Social Good Roasters is to deliver safe and delicious products. That is why we are thoroughly particular about the hand-sorting process. By carefully removing broken or moldy beans one by one, by hand, over many hours, we are able to deliver coffee that we are confident is safe and delicious. This process, which spares no time and effort, is a commitment that can only be realized because we produce at a welfare facility where many staff members are involved. The efforts made by human hands support the taste of our coffee.

一杯一杯丁寧に淹れるコーヒーEach cup of coffee is carefully brewed.
店頭では、ハンドドリップコーヒーやエスプレッソ系ドリンクを丁寧に抽出しています。日々美味しさを追求し続けるバリスタが、とっておきの一杯をご用意します。Hand-drip coffee and espresso drinks are carefully brewed in the store. Our baristas, who continue to pursue deliciousness on a daily basis, will prepare the perfect cup for you.
コーヒーの原料となる生豆は、海外から輸入される自然の農産物です。どれだけ鮮度が高く品質が良くても焼き上がりにムラがでてしまう、形や大きさが不揃いな豆や、青カビが付着したカビ豆が混入してしまいます。これらは健康を害したり、味を損ねたりしてしまう要因になります。これらを人の手でひとつひとつ取り除いていくことをハンドソーティングと呼びます。Green coffee beans, the raw material for coffee, are natural agricultural products imported from overseas. No matter how fresh they are and how good their quality is, they are subject to uneven baking, unevenly shaped and sized beans, and moldy beans with blue mold on them. These are factors that can be harmful to health and spoil the taste. Hand sorting is the process of removing them one by one by hand.

小分け保存による品質管理Quality control by storing in small portions
入庫した生豆は、すぐに密閉袋へ小分けを行い保存をしています。圧力や摩擦の少ない状態にすることで鮮度を保つことは、大切なこだわりの1つです。The green beans that come into the warehouse are immediately divided into airtight bags for storage. This is one of the most important ways to maintain freshness by reducing pressure and friction.

品質の高いコーヒー豆を手に入れることができます。There are countless farms that produce the green coffee beans used to make coffee, even if they are the same brand.
There are huge differences in taste and quality depending on the farm, so it is very important to choose the right producer to purchase from.
However, as one of our pillars is to contribute to society, we do not only focus on these factors.
Origin Coffee Traders Japan, which is engaged in support activities based on the same values, has been providing us with a wide range of products.
We purchase green beans from producers in need at reasonable prices.
Such choices create a positive cycle for society.

A coffee supplier that originated when coffee growers in India pooled their money to buy the plantations they worked on. They believe in making the growers and their local communities sustainable. It is one of the few companies in the world that thoroughly implements the concept of fair trade to enable fair price transactions, while also providing technical support to producers around the world to improve quality and infrastructure to improve the lives of local residents from the perspective of the same producers.